Meet Sarah
Speakers, authors, coaches, consultants and influencers tap into Sarah's 20+ years consulting experience to design and refine their online training curriculum.
Sarah has developed global training programs for her clients which, in the first 6 months, have generated more than $1M in sales and produced more than $20M in results for participants.
Sarah will speak on how to be a star on stage leveraging the power of learning design to engage, inspire and motivate your audience.
Meet Sarah Williams
People are often surprised to hear Sarah started her career as an accountant. She still loves finance, but she gave up a lifetime of spreadsheets when she realized numbers was only a small part of what makes a business successful.

Sarah is now a sought after global consultant, working with clients to innovate their curriculum, organizational culture and their business so they can grow exponentially.

People describe Sarah as having a 'spidey sense' which allows her to rapidly identify the problem(s) no-one else sees and design a simple solution to take her clients to a better place than even they could imagine! In short, she makes the invisible, visible.

Sarah is often hired to develop learning programs for global brands and over the past 20+ years she has designed everything from short micro-lessons through to MBA style 12-18 month programs. She has worked with subject matter experts on topics ranging from Equestrian technique to Facebook ads to Derivatives trading to Agriculture!

20+ years later and you still can't take the accountant out of the girl! Sarah measures all her work using a high internal Return on Investment target for her clients, ensuring she maintains her high standards and her continuous improvement and innovation.

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