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Rich Schefren, Owner, Strategic Profits
Tom is someone I've known for quite a long time. He's been in the game of entrepreneurship for 37 years, he's had 80 plus businesses. He's made millions, he's lost millions, and he's made them again.
So he really comes from the school of hard knocks, he's the real deal. He's worked with Jay Abraham and I on different activities that we had in the past.
Colleen Biggs, Founder, Lead Up for Women
Dannella and her entire team have been miracle workers for my 3-day event. Dannella has become a good friend of mine over the past 2 years that we have known each other and has provided an infinite number of opportunities for me and my community for extended exposure outside of Lead Up for Women in the areas of joint ventures, speaking, etc. I highly recommend connecting with Dannella and her team for your next event, getting on stages, and being the best version you can be as a speaker.
Your VIP All Access Includes:
  • Attend all three days LIVE ONLINE;
  • Learn these powerful twenty-one lead generation strategies from these twenty-one amazing entrepreneurs;
  • Meet hundreds of entrepreneurs from across the globe;
  • Participate via Zoom from the comfort of your home or office;
  • Digital Recordings For Life post event you'll get access to all twenty-one speakers presentations and can download if you wish!!;
  • BONUS Deal Making Session at end of Day One to meet potential Strategic Alliance partners and get introductions to your Dream 100; &
  • Ask Speakers live your own questions directly!
  • $5 donated to Project RePurse, serving women in transition from homelessness, abuse and addiction.
  • Special gifts from the speakers just for those buying VIP. Currently the total value of these gifts are valued $6,250!!
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When addressing financial matters in any of our Sites, videos, Workshops, newsletters or other content, we've taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent our programs and their ability to improve your life or grow your business. However, there is no guarantee that you will get any results or earn any money using any of our ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations, and we do not purport any "get rich schemes" on any of our Sites. Nothing on our Sites or Workshops are a promise or guarantee of earnings. Your level of success in attaining similar results is dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation, to name a few. Because these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot and do not guarantee your success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in life and business. Any forward-looking statements outlined on our Sites are simply our opinion and thus are not guarantees or promises for actual performance. It should be clear to you that by law we make no guarantees that you will achieve any results from our ideas or models presented on our Sites, and we offer no professional legal, medical, psychological or financial advice.