Meet Robert
Robert Martinez is a serial entrepreneur, an Online Business Coach and the Founder and CEO of Manifestation Technology.
Robert will speak on the ten capabilities for building a six figure business online
Meet Robert Martinez

Robert started his professional life as a Software Engineer working for various fortune 500 companies in the United States and Europe, and eventually became the Chief Information Officer.

Not happy with corporate life, and after becoming a certified coach in 2011, he experienced just how difficult it was to reach people online as a solopreneur, so he studied and researched this and eventually built an automation infrastructure that quickly grew his business to multiple six figures.

Robert started helping other life and business coaches do the same and in 2013 started Manifestation Technology from his home office in Scottsdale, Arizona, which began as a simple idea he drew on a whiteboard years' earlier.

After successfully launching that business, he realized there was also a lack of ready-made marketing funnels in the coaching industry to help new and existing business owners to quickly grow their business online.

Now, along with his team, at Impact System Marketing, he helps other transformational entrepreneurs to put a robust technical infrastructure in place, quickly and effortlessly.

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