Meet Martina
Dr. Martina Zorc, a PhD in international space law, is a business strategist and mentor to visionary entrepreneurs on an exponential growth trajectory.
Creator of the One Big Win Method and the First Choice Authority Formula, Martina's work with clients focuses on skyrocketing them to superstar levels of income, desirability, impact, leadership and lifestyle where not even the sky is the limit, trailblazing is their second name, and they feel more alive in their business than ever before.
Martina will speak on the simple yet often overlooked way to fill rapid results offers (that then naturally lead into vision offers) without sales calls ... even if you're off sailing in Bora Bora.
Meet Dr. Martina Zorc
Dr. Martina Zorc, a PhD in international space law, is a business strategist and mentor to visionary entrepreneurs on an exponential growth trajectory.
Creator of the One Big Win Method and the First Choice Authority Formula, Martina's work with clients focuses on skyrocketing them to superstar levels of income, desirability, impact, leadership and lifestyle where not even the sky is the limit, trailblazing is their second name, and they feel more alive in their business than ever before.

Martina, who is from the charming Coast of Slovenia, Europe, has been featured in Forbes, Downtown NYC Magazine and various other national and global media, and is also an author and an international speaker.

Her two favorite speaking engagements so far have been at the Bank of America HQ in Manhattan, on space investments, and in the Dominican Republic, at an exclusive retreat hosted by a luxury US media brand.

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